Archive for Lab Notes

ICGL Newsletter Summer 2016

New issue of ICGL newsletter is released on 27th August 2016.
PDF version can be downloaded from next link.
ICGLNewsLetter-2016 Summer(19.8Mb)

The contents:

Irradiation May Cause Synthetic Melee Diamonds to behave like natural diamonds
Jayshree Panjikar and Aatish Panjikar
PANGEMTECH- Panjikar Gem Research & Tech Institute,

LAB NOTE: Fracture-filled diamonds
An example from the daily work in gem-testing laboratory
Elisabeth Strack
Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg, Germany

Nano-coated Pink Diamond
A Study on Surface Analysis Technology and Coating Materials
Seung Kwon Lee and Kook-Whee Kwak
Wooshin Gemological Institute of Korea, Korea

Coated Diamond to imitate Pink Diamond
By Tay Thye Sun & Loke Hui Ying
Far East Gemological Laboratory, Singapore

ICGL Newsletter Spring 2016

New issue of ICGL newsletter is released on 22nd April 2016.
PDF version can be downloaded from next link.
ICGLNewsLetter-2016SP (4.8Mb)

The contents:

Blood Red Rubies from Madagascar
Ridchard W. Hughes, Wimon Monorotkul & E. Billie Hughes
Lotus Gemology

Pigeon-Blood Type Red Rubies
Jayshree Panjikar
Pangem Tesing Labolatory

Tialite (Al2TiO5) may cause Asterism
Jayshree Panjikar and Aartish Panjikar
Pangem Tech- Panjlkar Gem Research & Tech Institute


ICGL Newsletter Spring 2014

New issue of ICGL newsletter is released on 1st July 2014.
PDF version can be downloaded from next link.
ICGLNewsLetter-2014SP (1.05Mb)


The contents;

Oiling of Star Rubies from Burma
By Tay Thye Sun & Loke Hui Ying, Far East Gemological Laboratory, Singapore

Ancient Roman Bead-Makers of Arikamedu, South India
By Jayshree Panjikar, Pangem Testing Laboratory, Pune, India

Routine Findings in the Gemmological Laboratory Black Synthetic Moissanite Sold as Black Diamond
By Elisabeth Strack, Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg, Germany

A book review “Colour of Paradise” by Kris Lane, 2010
By Elisabeth Strack, Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg, Germany

Innovative Idea of Teaching Gemmology
By Sunki Kim, Hanmi Laboratory, Korea

Interview with Elisabeth Strack: Founding Member


ICGL Newsletter Summer 2013

New issue of ICGL newsletter is released on 19th August 2013.

PDF version can be downloaded from next link.

ICGLNewsLetter-2013SU (8.9Mb)


The contents;

Identification of polymer impregnated quartzite imitating B-jade and B+C-jade

By Tay Thye Sun and Loke Hui Ying, Far East Gemological Institute Pte Ltd, Singapore

Infrared Reflection Spectra of Jadeite, Omphacite, Nephrite and Idocrase

By Dominic Mok – Principal Gemmologist of the Asian Gemmological Institute and Laboratory Ltd, Hong Kong

64th De Beers Diamond Conference,United Kingdom

By Jayshree Panjikar

Glass imitation sold as Zultanite in Turkey

By Elisabeth Strack, Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg

Introducing Founding Member 002:

Asian Institute of Gemmological Sciences


ICGL Newsletter Spring 2013

ICGL second newsletter is released on 17th May 2013.

PDF version can be downloaded from next link.

ICGLNewsLetter-2013SP (6.7Mb)


The contents;

We connect… (Message from ICGL first president)

By Mr. Tay Thye Sun, President

New Members are welcome at ICGL

by Jayshree Panjikar, Membership Coordinator

A Rare Necklace with Maona Pearls

By Elisabeth Strack, Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg

Tucson 2013: A Reflection on Pearl Issues

By Elisabeth Strack, Gemmologisches Institut Hamburg

Spectroscopic Characteristics of “Merelani Mint” Grossular Garnet

By Masaki Furuya Japan Germany Gemmological Laboratory, Kofu, Japan

Identification of Mysterious Large “Black Stone”

By Branko Deljanin, Canadian Gemological Laboratory
Bear Williams, Stone Group Labs